All Projects


Chat App

This is a simple chat application for the final project of the react native course taught by the coderhouse platform. At a functional level, its characteristics include: 1. Identify and register a user in the app through their email. 2. Participate in an open chat, which identifies the origin from different accounts. 3. Allows you to use your device's camera (including front camera, back camera and flash options) to update your profile picture.


Restaurant Web and Mobile app

In the mobile application developed with React Native, we can order different types and quantities of dishes from a restaurant, and we are notified when the order is ready to receive it. Meanwhile, the web application is to manage the restaurant's orders, for when its customers request a dish. In addition, within the web application it is possible to add new dishes to the menu of the mobile application, as well as delete those dishes that are no longer available.


Gallery App

Gallery app is a way to manage and share content through images with others, like a social network.


FireFox Send - Clone

This is a server-side rendering application, developed to be a simple clone of the Firefox Send application, used for uploading and sharing files and was discontinued in July 2020. This client was created with the help of React Hooks, Context API, the Next and Tailwind frameworks, also with the Formik, Yup, Axios and react-dropzone libraries.


Product Hunt - Clone

This is a server-side rendering application, developed to be a simple clone of the popular Product Hunt application for sharing and discovering new products. Created with the help of React Hooks, Context API, the Next JS framework, the Firebase services and stylized with the emotion CSS library.


Real Estate Gatsby

This is a server-side rendering application, developed to be a simple example of a fictitious real estate page, using Strapi as the data source. This example was created with the help of React, Gatsby, Emotion and GraphQL.


MERN Tasks

MERN tasks application. Created with React Hooks and context API.


Search Drink Recipes

An application that allows you to consult recipes to make different combinations of drinks. Built with React Hooks, Context API and the CSS Framework: Bootstrap and Material-UI, this latter to build a custom modal of the recipes.


Quote Cryptocurrencies

A simple application that allows to know the value of different cryptocurrencies, built with React Hooks and the CSS Emotion library, to make custom styles in React Components.


Portfolio Website

My professional portfolio website.


Manage Pet Appointments

A simple form for managing pet appointments, built with React Hooks, skeleton and using local storage.


Car Insurance Quote

An application that allows car insurance quotes, built with React Hooks and the CSS libraries: Normalize, react-transition-group and Emotion, the latter to make custom styles in components.


Control Weekly Budget

A simple application that allows you to control your weekly budget, built with React Hooks and CSS libraries: Normalize and Skeleton.


Payment of Contributions

Payment of Contributions

JavaPL/SQLSpring MVCSybaseMyBatisHTMLCSSJavaScriptSweetAlert2BootstrapJBossFileZillaJasperReportsVSCodePostmanSubversionJiraSlack

Payment Urgency Law Credit

Payment Urgency Law Credit

JavaPL/SQLSpring MVCSybaseMyBatisJavaScriptSweetAlert2BootstrapHTMLCSSJBossFileZillaVSCodeSubversion

Employers Website

Employers Website

JavaPL/SQLSpring MVCSybaseMyBatisJavaScriptEclipsejQueryHTMLCSSJBossFileZillaJasperReportsAlfrescoSubversionMaven

Business Intelligence: Extract-Transform-Load

During the years 2014 and 2015. I collaborated with the companies Builder House Engineers and BI+Plus, doing ETL integration, reporting, jobs creation and documentation for Transbank and Subdere (Undersecretariat for Regional and Administrative Development) of the Government of Chile.

JiraSQLAqua Data StudioIBM InfoSphere DataStageIBM Cognos Analytics

GPS bracelet

The web and mobile applications allowed: 1. Register and identify users. 2. View, track and manage bracelets. 3. Manage alerts from wristbands. 4. Create and manage border fences with the google maps API.

C#PL/SQL.NETVisual StudioSQL ServerHTMLCSSJavaScriptObjective-CXcodeAPI Google Maps

Totem System

By 2012. I developed and implement a totem system with integrated touch screen for Sodimac client, afterwards collaborate in the development of the website for A.T.I.

htmlcssjavascriptC#.NETVisual StudioSQL Server